Orka Golf - Fitting Centre of Excellence

Who are Orka?
  • ORKA Golf is a multi award winning, leading brand for professional club building, club fitting and product design utilising innovative technologies.
  • Everything they make is custom fitted and built to the exact specifications of the customer. In an age when we can customise so much, buying a set of clubs off the rack and hoping they work is a sure way to add frustration to your game and a hole in your wallet.
  • Being fitted isn’t enough either, we need to then ensure we make the clubs correctly. We profile your shafts, check head weights and swing weights to ensure consistency through your set.

Why visit us?

Using ORKA's comprehensive fitting kit we will enable to you test all of the available clubs to find the ones best matched to you. In addition, regardless of whether you decide to purchase clubs or not, all fittings include a FREE gapping analysis session at a future date – even if you return with club purchased from elsewhere!